Bolognaise sauce with a difference
Last night I was complimented on my sauce! So I thought I would share it with you....

500g minced beef ( get it from a butcher if you can)
100g pancetta cubes (or lardons)
50 g chorizo cubed
2 med red onions
2 cloves garlic
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 jar tomato and pancetta pasta sauce
a glass of red wine
3/4 pint of beef stock
a really big handful of fresh sage chopped
a couple of pinches of fresh thyme chopped
Fry the mince and pancetta until the water comes out, about 10 mins, stirring from time to time.
Add the chorizo and onion. Fry for a further 5 minutes, stirring. The mince should be dark now
Add the garlic and fry for 1 more minute
Add the rest of the ingredients, simmer and put into a pre heated oven at 150 c for 3 hours
or preheated oven at 200 c for one and a half hours.
It was great to cook it slowly, it meant I could take the boys to play football!!!
I could have served this with spaghetti, but as I had some potatoes left over I parboiled some thin slices from 6 potatoes, and layed them on the meat sauce in a casserole dish, I covered that with a cheesy bechamel sauce and cooked it in the oven at 200c for a futher half and hour until the potatoes were thoroughly cooked and the sauce was a lovely gold colour.
All it needed was some steamed runner beans from Mum's garden.... yum